Sermon from 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Sermon from 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Sermon from 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Easter Sunday Message from Exodus chapter fifteen. Click on SAVE PDF to access sermon notes
Message from Luke 19:1-10. Click on Save PDF to view Sermon Notes
Jesus called people to follow Him. Why? Because He loves people and does not want them to perish. He is the only one who can give new life, satisfaction, and everlasting joy. In this encounter, the young rich man asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus’ answer reveals the man’s idolatry of riches- he went away sad, because he was unwilling to part with his possessions in order to follow Christ. Are you willing to offer your life to Jesus? He calls each of us to die daily, by taking up our cross and following Him.
Sermon on John 15:1-11 Week 3 of the theme “Walking with Christ” Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Photo by Mohamad Babayan on Unsplash
Sermon from John 6:35-59. Part of this month’s theme- “Walking with Christ” Click on Save PDF above to access sermon notes
Frail, limited, and sinful as man is, the love of God can transform what is weak to his own glory.” Willem Van Gemeren on Psalm 90:17, Expositor’s Bible Commentary
First Sunday of Advent Message on Psalm 2 by Eddie Brown