An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

Move away from Idolatry towards Holiness

Is Paul addressing the church and telling them to stay away from non-Christians? Not exactly, although there are times when that separation is needed. He is addressing his opponents in the Corinthians church who had departed from the gospel, ignored Paul’s authority as an apostle, and focused on status, rhetoric, and style (the Sophists). Paul is urging believers to flee idolatry. Why? Because God dwells among His people, and because God is their heavenly Father as well as the Lord Almighty. The believer’s motivation for holiness (individually and in the church) is the presence of God, the Holy Spirit, who works is transform each person by into the likeness of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).

“To ignore this command to move towards holiness is to deny the reality and work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life.” (adapted from Scott Hafeman, NIV Application Commentary)