An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

Jesus, James, Paul, and assurance of salvation

One principle of biblical interpretation which strengthens our faith is HARMONIZATION. Harmonization is the process of reconciling the different principles and statements taught in the Bible when they seem to appear at odds with one another. For example, you often hear a tricky syllogism such as this: “Jesus was a friend to people who were outcasts and sinners. Paul is the only…

What Shall is Profit a Man?

Jesus said, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul?” Mark 8:36-37 ESV The implied answer is “nothing!” It does not do a person any good to gain the whole world materially, and yet forfeit his soul. What is more, it puts a…

A Personal Update…

Our belief needs to move towards complete trust in Jesus, which is sometimes painful. If someone had asked me a month ago, “Do you realize that you are simply a collection of cells: water, tissue, bones, skin, muscles & tendons, etc. totaling 180lbs?” I would have replied, “Yes, of course. I know that.” I knew it in a physical sense. But it…

Notes on Spiritual Gifts-

Spiritual gifts are supernatural abilities given by God to Christians in order that they may serve the body of Christ (the church). Spiritual gifts are not the same as natural talents or abilities, but they may sometimes overlap (for example, someone who is a good communicator may also have the gift of teaching). Spiritual gifts are listed in different places in the…

We are all Stewards

This month we begin a series of messages on stewardship.  In short, God is the owner of everything. Because God is the owner, we are all stewards of what He has entrusted to us.  Some of you may read the word stewardship and automatically think the following: money, tithing, church buildings, financial campaigns, etc.  However, we are not going to begin with…

The Prodigal’s Return

John Newton wrote the hymn Amazing Grace, arguably the most well-known hymn in the English language. But he also wrote many other hymns, including this one entitled The Prodigal’s Return: Afflictions though they seem severe,In mercy oft are sent,They stopp’d the prodigal’s career,And caus’d him to repent. Chorus:I’ll die no more for bread, he cried,Nor…