An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

Sermons on Humility

“In changing times, God is still Faithful”

Message from 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4 “God is Faithful”- In this passage, Paul explains to the Corinthians Church why he changed plans and did not visit them as he previously indicated. Was this fickleness on his part? Was he being selfish? No, his change in plans was directed by God and was for the benefit of…

“Moving up by Moving Down”

In this parable- Jesus teaches people the importance of humility, and not self-importance. He addresses those who went looking for the places of honor, in order to appear favored in front of others. His teaching points to his very incarnation- the fact that he made himself nothing, instead taking the form of a servant.(Philippians 2:8-9) Our very salvation is dependent on our Savior’s humbler nature.