“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, not your own agenda,” Jesus is essentially saying. Most of our worry comes from being overly concerned about ourselves, our plans, and the events in our lives which affect us one way or another. In this message Martin McCorkle helps us keep God’s perspective. “Worry is…
The Good News of Christ is meant to be Sent, Preached, Heard, and Received! Jeff McSwain teaches from Romans 10:14-16 on the importance of the word of God and the work of Bible translation.
Martin McCorkle preaches on God’s incredible, faithful care for you from Matthew 6.
Future with Christ is not only a spiritual reality. Paul longed to be “further clothed” with his resurrection body. Christianity does not teach that people will be “disembodied spirits” in the new heaven and the new earth. The final state for the believer in Christ is to have a resurrected, glorified, physical body which is…
Is Grace intolerant? Grace molds us and warns us from doing certain things because we have been forgiven by Christ. Does grace caution us in the way we talk, live, and in our decisions? Yes, Grace is intolerant. Titus 2:11-14 tells us that since the grace of Jesus Christ has been made fully manifest, then…
A contrite heart- what does it mean to be lowly and contrite? Psalm 34:18 says that God is close to the brokenhearted. Prepare your heart for Christ’s coming with this passage from Isaiah. The contrite are comforted [14] And it shall be said,“Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s…
God the Father has planned a glorious future for his children! That future glory makes all of our suffering worth it. Message from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 How can we keep going in faith? How do we keep from losing heart, becoming discouraged, or giving up? Only the hope of a glorious future with Christ will…