Sermon on John 15:1-11 Week 3 of the theme “Walking with Christ” Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Sermon on John 15:1-11 Week 3 of the theme “Walking with Christ” Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Photo by Mohamad Babayan on Unsplash
Sermon from John 6:35-59. Part of this month’s theme- “Walking with Christ” Click on Save PDF above to access sermon notes
Frail, limited, and sinful as man is, the love of God can transform what is weak to his own glory.” Willem Van Gemeren on Psalm 90:17, Expositor’s Bible Commentary
Luke 1:26-38 (For sermon notes-click “Save PDF” above) The angel Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her that she will conceive by the Holy Spirit and give birth to Jesus the Messiah. Did Mary do anything special to deserve this honor? Many Hebrews girls would have imagined that one day, one of them would give…
Mark 1:1-8 God sent a messenger- John the Baptist- to disrupt our human comfort, in order to point us to the true comforter, Jesus Christ.
First Sunday of Advent Message on Psalm 2 by Eddie Brown
Today we baptized three people who have committed to follow Jesus. Baptism is a sign of the new covenant, which Jesus commanded his disciples to follow. It is a celebration of the work of God in someone’s life- granting salvation by grace through faith.
From Exodus 3, we see that Moses followed God’s call, by first responding “Here I am.” Despite several excuses, failures, and sins, God used Moses in a to lead God’s people. God can do the same in your life as you seek to serve Him. Remember that God is the one who strengthens and equips…
God graciously preserves His people in miraculous and mysterious ways. Even when it seems the messianic line of promised offspring is threatened, God sovereignly directs events to display his glorious plan of salvation.