Message from Exodus 15:22-27
Message from Exodus 15:22-27
Sermon from Exodus chapters 13 and 14. Click Save PDF to access sermon notes.
Message from Exodus chapters 11 and 12. Click Save PDF to view sermon notes
Why do people refuse to yield to God?
First, we don’t want a God who makes distinctions and judgments.
Second, because we like to keep our options open, even when God commands us to obey Him.
The satisfaction and joy yielding to God is much better than the alternative of not yielding to Him and facing the consequences of which Jesus speaks.
Message on Exodus chapters 7-9. Click on Save PDF to access Sermon notes
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Sermon from John 6:35-59. Part of this month’s theme- “Walking with Christ” Click on Save PDF above to access sermon notes
Frail, limited, and sinful as man is, the love of God can transform what is weak to his own glory.” Willem Van Gemeren on Psalm 90:17, Expositor’s Bible Commentary
Exodus chapter five- Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh and tell him to let God’s people go. Pharaoh refuses to listen and makes life harder for the Israelites. The Israelite foreman complain to Pharaoh and to Moses. Moses becomes dejected and cries out to the LORD. How do you respond when you seek to obey…
Text: Exodus 4:10-31 Moses gives God several excuses, but God graciously removes them. Moses continues in trust and obedience, with a lot to learn along the way. Zipporah intervenes because of Moses’ neglect to follow God’s command.