An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

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“Grace Changes Everything”

Grace changes everything, even our financial decisions. If we give ourselves to the Lord, then we give from the foundation of God’s grace to us in Christ. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty…

God comforts the downcast

God comforts the downcast

God comforts the downcast. What a hopeful promise! (Click on Save PDF to view Sermon Notes) Paul and his ministry coworkers had a burden for the Corinthians Church. Would these new believers would stay faithful to Christ? Or would they follow the way of the false apostles, rejecting the gospel message and also Paul’s authority?…

Move away from Idolatry towards Holiness

Is Paul addressing the church and telling them to stay away from non-Christians? Not exactly, although there are times when that separation is needed. He is addressing his opponents in the Corinthians church who had departed from the gospel, ignored Paul’s authority as an apostle, and focused on status, rhetoric, and style (the Sophists). Paul…

New Creation

New Creation in Christ

New Creation! That is what a person is, by virtue of being born again by the Spirit of God. In this short message, Pastor Jim gives two important implications of being new creations in Christ; What Jesus has to say about worry and God’s care for you… The battle [with sin] is real! (Light &…