An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC
Be Reconciled

Be Reconciled to God

Be Reconciled

Be Reconciled! Why would a person need to be reconciled to God? Many people think that God needs to be reconciled to them. Are humans the reference point for the universe? No, God is the fixed reference point. Is God obligated to our human standards or opinions on fairness, justice, or love? God is so holy and righteous that he does not need to answer to us? Given the depth of sinfulness in the human heart, it is no surprise that God had to take the initiative in reconciling rebellious creatures to himself. It is a wondrous mystery to our finite minds that He was willing to save sinful people, simply because of his love and grace, for the purpose of His eternal glory and our eternal good.

More Resources

Watch “Let’s be Biblical” with Dr. Kevin Vanhoozer

Light & Truth Podcast