God graciously preserves His people in miraculous and mysterious ways. Even when it seems the messianic line of promised offspring is threatened, God sovereignly directs events to display his glorious plan of salvation.
God graciously preserves His people in miraculous and mysterious ways. Even when it seems the messianic line of promised offspring is threatened, God sovereignly directs events to display his glorious plan of salvation.
Genesis chapter 15
God instructs Christian to obey governing authorities, which are placed over us to keep order and restrain evil. Even when government corrupt, we are commanded to live exemplary lives which point people to Christ-our true hope, and which point people to heaven-our true home. We must not put our ultimate hope in human government.
Our culture urges us to buy limitlessly, receive immediately, and dispose thoughtlessly. Where are our priorities in relation to the kingdom of God? We are part of something supernatural, which will always run counter to the cultural tide.
Back to Basics- 2022 (Matthew 22:34-46; Psalm 110)
Sermon on Luke 12:13-21