Sermon from Matthew 22:33-40. Part of the series, “Meeting Jesus on his terms” Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Sermon from Matthew 22:33-40. Part of the series, “Meeting Jesus on his terms” Click on Save PDF to access sermon notes
Sermon from Matthew 16:13-23 Click on Save PDF to access sermon slides
We must never forget whom we belong to and whom we answer to- Jesus Christ. He directs all our decisions and choices.
Jesus called people to follow Him. Why? Because He loves people and does not want them to perish. He is the only one who can give new life, satisfaction, and everlasting joy. In this encounter, the young rich man asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus’ answer reveals the man’s idolatry of riches- he went away sad, because he was unwilling to part with his possessions in order to follow Christ. Are you willing to offer your life to Jesus? He calls each of us to die daily, by taking up our cross and following Him.
Sunday March 19, 2023
Message from Matthew 24:36-51 (Week 2 of Advent) At Christmas we celebrate the incarnation: the miraculous, mysterious truth that Jesus was born as fully man and fully God. The word Immanuel literally means “God with us.” We don’t celebrate Jesus’ birth simply out of nostalgia. We celebrate Christmas every year because Christians are looking forward…
Back to Basics- 2022 (Matthew 22:34-46; Psalm 110)
Sermon from Luke 18:9-14
The kingdom of God operates on grace, not on merit. God is more than fair- He is gracious and compassionate.
Sermon on Luke 12:13-21