An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

God is the Comforter, the Father of all mercies

The book of 2 Corinthians begins with a beautiful description of God’s power to comfort people in any affliction. The opponents of Paul’s ministry may have claimed, “Paul has a lot of trials, perhaps that means his ministry is not legitimate, perhaps God is not blessing his efforts…” Instead of blaming others for his trials and afflictions, Paul turns the discussion back to God. He states clearly that God is able to get him through any particular trial, even though at times he felt the “sentence of death” and despaired of all hope.

First, God reminds us that He is the Father of all mercies, and in any affliction, He is able to bring comfort. Second, Paul states that God uses affliction in our lives so that we would increase in faith, and also be in a position to comfort others. This is more than receiving lemons and choosing to make lemonade. This truth is that God chooses and uses all of the means by which He shapes our faith to a particular end. Look in the Bible at the lives of Joseph, Naomi, Jeremiah, Hannah, and others. All of them endured certain afflictions, yet God comforted them through His presence and His promises.

Listen to another message from 2 Corinthians:


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