An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC
Is Grace intolerant

Is Grace Intolerant?

Is Grace intolerant? Grace molds us and warns us from doing certain things because we have been forgiven by Christ. Does grace caution us in the way we talk, live, and in our decisions? Yes, Grace is intolerant. Titus 2:11-14 tells us that since the grace of Jesus Christ has been made fully manifest, then grace “trains us” to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions.

God saved us for good works. He did not save us because of good works. But once grace has taken hold in our hearts, the Holy Spirit gives us what Puritan writer Thomas Chalmers called “the expulsive power of a new affection.” That is, the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives drives out the desire for sin, and gives us new desire power to obey God’s will. Like new growth on a live oak tree whose dead leaves hang on throughout the winter, the Spirit pushes out old affections and brings forth new ones which honor God.

His goal in showing grace

God’s goal in showing grace to his people is not only salvation away from from death and hell, which is eternal separation from Him. The Father’s grace to his people is a purifying grace, a grace that conforms us to the image of Jesus Christ. The more we are aware of God’s grace, the more our lives look like Jesus.

More on “Is Grace Intolerant” from Titus 2:11-14

“God’s grace is active. He does not sit idly by and leave you without guidance or conviction.  The grace of God that results in salvation should be continuing to have a profound effect upon your hearts” Matt Slick, message on Titus 2:11-14

Other Advent Messages-

The Reason He Appeared- 1 John 3:1-10

I dwell with him who is lowly and contrite- Isaiah 57