An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC
Future Glory in heaven with Christ

Future Glory Beyond Compare

God the Father has planned a glorious future for his children! That future glory makes all of our suffering worth it.

How can we keep going in faith?

How do we keep from losing heart, becoming discouraged, or giving up? Only the hope of a glorious future with Christ will give Christians the “engine” necessary to keep going. We look to the past as the foundation of our faith- to remember God’s provision. But we also look to the future glory we have in Christ, in order to bring us through various trials and afflictions now. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. The trials we experience are actually producing something permanent for eternity. Our trials are contributing to the glory we will share as co-heirs of Christ. This glory- magnificence, beauty, love, perfection, and worship, are well beyond anything we experience here on earth.

Two Helpful Perspectives on how God is renewing us for a glorious future

One perspective on our future glory is that what we go through now is actually contributing positively to the glory we will share with Christ as coheirs. This is not just a “When God gives you lemons you make lemonade” attitude. There is something spiritual and valuable that is yet to be revealed, and God-through his power and wisdom-takes our afflictions and our suffering and weaves them into our heavenly, glorified bodies. (2 Corinthians 5:1-10)

The other perspective which strengthens us is that of our temporary troubles compared with the permanence of eternity. This life is mere nanoseconds compared to the everlasting joy promised to every believer in Christ. What we see now is transient, but what will be revealed in the future is permanent. We will be with the Lord and He will be our God.

Listen to more:

Our Glorious Hope- sermon by H.B. Charles Jr. on 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

God’s Power Displayed in Jars of Clay- Sermon from 2 Corinthians 4:7-15