An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

“In changing times, God is still Faithful”

“God is Faithful”- In this passage, Paul explains to the Corinthians Church why he changed plans and did not visit them as he previously indicated. Was this fickleness on his part? Was he being selfish? No, his change in plans was directed by God and was for the benefit of the church. Paul makes clear that he did not want to cause them more pain by visiting again after having visited and also sent them a “severe letter” (2 Cor. 2:1-4)

Paul brings home the truth that even amidst his change of plans, God is still faithful. God’s message of salvation is not “yes” one minute and “no” the next. All of God’s message in the Scriptures points to Jesus Christ. It is God who saves people and brings new life into existence, making someone born again. It is God who established Paul’s faith and it is the same God who established the Corinthian Church.

When human plans change, we need to remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness, and also do what is right in the sight of God and the sight of man. Paul then reassures the Corinthians that he is working for their joy as well as his joy, because God is at work in both their lives. We can have that same reassurance today, because God is working for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)


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