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Text: Exodus 4:10-31 Moses gives God several excuses, but God graciously removes them. Moses continues in trust and obedience, with a lot to learn along the way. Zipporah intervenes because of Moses’ neglect to follow God’s command.
From Exodus 3, we see that Moses followed God’s call, by first responding “Here I am.” Despite several excuses, failures, and sins, God used Moses in a to lead God’s people. God can do the same in your life as you seek to serve Him. Remember that God is the one who strengthens and equips…
How does God tell us to live in the midst of a pagan culture? Seek the welfare (peace-shalom) of the city. Be involved in your community- seek the Lord on behalf of your city.
Exodus chapter 2
Exodus Chapter 1
God graciously preserves His people in miraculous and mysterious ways. Even when it seems the messianic line of promised offspring is threatened, God sovereignly directs events to display his glorious plan of salvation.
Genesis chapter 15
God instructs Christian to obey governing authorities, which are placed over us to keep order and restrain evil. Even when government corrupt, we are commanded to live exemplary lives which point people to Christ-our true hope, and which point people to heaven-our true home. We must not put our ultimate hope in human government.
If you are a Christian, you belong to Jesus Christ. He is the cornerstone of God’s House- where we, as living stones, are being built into the place where God dwells with His people.
1 Peter 1:13-25