What is the New Covenant? What are the Key differences between the New Covenant, compared to the Old Covenant? The New Covenant is God making a way through his Son Jesus Christ. The New Covenant is sealed through Christ’s blood–so that people can be made right with Him and have spiritual, everlasting life.
The Spirit of God seals our salvation and writes His law on our hearts. So now, our motivation to obey God because we love Him. Our motivation is to obey Him out of gratitude, joy, and the pleasure of being in His will.
Paul defends his apostleship to the Corinthians, and points back to the gospel message. Their changed lives are all the recommendation he needs. Next, he reminds them of the power and assurance of the Holy Spirit in the New Covenant. The letter of the law, and the law itself, could not produce new life. Only the Holy Spirit can produce new life and a new heart. Only the Holy Spirit can give us a new desire to obey God.