Steadfast love -something we can count on. Do you begin the New Year with a sense of ambivalence? Are you done with resolutions? Maybe you simply want more good things and less bad things this year. From God’s perspective, the solution to beginning a new year is not to try harder in human strength. The solution is to trust Him completely, to put your hope in Christ- in God’s steadfast love Begin this year with an awareness of two truths:
- Sin and evil are always at our doorstep
- God’s love, demonstrated in Jesus Chris- and accessed by a relationship with Him- is the best thing any one of us could have in the new year.
Psalm 36 gives a description of those two truths. In verses 1-4, the reality of wicked men who practice sin. In verses 5-9, a recounting of God’s steadfast love. And then in verses 10-12, David offers a prayer for protection.
Other Advent Messages-
A Tale of Two kingdoms- John 18