Message from Mark 4:20 on sowing, reaping, the harvest, and spiritual growth Click on Save PDF to view sermon notes
Message from Mark 4:20 on sowing, reaping, the harvest, and spiritual growth Click on Save PDF to view sermon notes
Following Jesus is not for the faint of heart:
1. Joy which accompanies the reception of the message of salvation is often short-lived.
2. Trials and Persecution are inevitable, and they will test a person’s commitment to Christ and His word.
Thankfully we have a Savior–Jesus–who does not let us go. He carries us when we have no strength of our own, and His Spirit gives us the strength to trust Him daily.
The parable of the persistent widow- Luke 18:1-8
Sermon from Luke 18:9-14
The kingdom of God operates on grace, not on merit. God is more than fair- He is gracious and compassionate.
Sermon on Luke 12:13-21