In the seven letters to the churches in Revelation, Jesus tells them to “repent” five times. What is repentance? Is it just feeling sorry for what we have done? Here are four elements of repentance, taken from the Dictionary for Biblical Imagery, pg. 704-705.
I want to tell you about my best friend. I met him when I was 12 years old. We have known each other for 35 years. He knows everything about me, and yet I am still getting to know him more each day. He is simply amazing. Let me try to describe him with three words: Love, Truth, and Grace. First, his…
The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1) What follows is known as the Lord’s prayer (Luke 11:2-4). In many ways this prayer is a model for how we pray to God on a regular basis: begin with adoration, move to confession, then thanksgiving, and finally supplication (or requests). The Lord’s prayer…