An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

Here is a list of recent messages.   Click on a sermon link to find out more.

“Waiting…and looking forward”

Message from Matthew 24:36-51 (Week 2 of Advent) At Christmas we celebrate the incarnation: the miraculous, mysterious truth that Jesus was born as fully man and fully God. The word Immanuel literally means “God with us.” We don’t celebrate Jesus’ birth simply out of nostalgia. We celebrate Christmas every year because Christians are looking forward…

“A Holy God uses unholy people to display his grace and glory”

From Exodus 3, we see that Moses followed God’s call, by first responding “Here I am.” Despite several excuses, failures, and sins, God used Moses in a to lead God’s people. God can do the same in your life as you seek to serve Him. Remember that God is the one who strengthens and equips…