An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

Is Justification simply “Just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned?”

By Dr. Wayne Grudem in Systematic Theology (IVP & Zondervan, 1994. pg. 727) One sometimes hears the popular explanation that justified means “just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned.” The definition is a clever play on words and contains an element of truth (for the justified person, like the person who has never sinned, has no penalty to pay for sin). But the definition is misleading in two…

Worship Songs for this week- April 14th

This week we have a mix of older and newer songs. Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery is a song from Matt Boswell, a modern hymn writer. “As the Deer” is an older praise and worship standard from the 80’s, and I Surrender All goes back a few more years. Thanks to Daniel for putting these tracks together!

What is Repentance?

In the seven letters to the churches in Revelation, Jesus tells them to “repent” five times. What is repentance? Is it just feeling sorry for what we have done? Here are four elements of repentance, taken from the Dictionary for Biblical Imagery, pg. 704-705.

The Keys and the Sword

by Mike Maggard, former EFCA pastor and ReachGlobal missionary Last month, we had the privilege of attending the annual Evangelical Free Church of America theology conference near Chicago. The pre-conference theme on the relationship of the church to the state was both intriguing and timely. Here are a few highlights we gleaned from the presentation…

From our recent Hymn Sunday-

Sunday’s hymns included some familiar ones, but with an international flavor- we sang verses in English, German, Indonesian, and Lingala! Martin Luther, of Germany, wrote “A mighty Fortress is our God” around the year 1529: Some recent English praise choruses make it around the world. Below is a link to “How Great is our God” in Indonesian: If you didn’t realize it,…

Free Study Guide- How to Face Anxiety with Hope in God

A resource from the Navigators– Study Guide- How to Face Anxiety with Hope in God [5] May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, [6] that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus…