An Evangelical Free Church in Cary, NC

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A Sabbatical for Pastor Jim & Family

As presented at the annual congregational meeting, the elders are planning to provide a twelve-week sabbatical for me and my family.  Personally, I can’t thank you enough for your expressions of thanks, support, and encouragement this past December.  Words can’t express how much it means that you would make this investment in myself and our family for the coming year.  The sabbatical…

Getting a Handle on Mental Health

Getting a handle on Mental Health Mental health has been in the news recently, not only due to the large numbers of people who have struggled in during lockdowns and isolation, but also because of several high-profile athletes who have opened up about their struggles with mental illness.  According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), roughly 20% of the population…

“We need one another in the church…”

The scripture states in Colossians 2:9-10 that believers in Christ have been given all the fullness they need. In our spiritual relationship with God, individually we have everything we need in Christ and in the Holy Spirit. The companion truth to Christ’s sufficiency for each person is this: we need one another in the church. Jesus did not call his disciples to…

The reality of trials…

There is a tendency in Christian circles to present the faith in glowing terms- a focus on health, blessing, prosperity, joy, and victory. This tendency comes out of a proper desire to present the goodness of our Savior, but at times it can come across as an argument in utilitarian terms: “Here are all the personal, earthly benefits of following Jesus.” Certainly,…

Rediscovering Church

Rediscovering Church A lot of people today claim to be “done with church”.  According to Barna Research there is a rising group of religious “Nones”- those Americans who claim no religious affiliation.  Many prominent Christians have denied the faith and have now dubbed themselves “Ex-vangelicals” in recent years.  Numerous prominent evangelical pastors and churches have been embroiled in controversy and scandal.  Add…

And you will be my witnesses…

In Acts 1:1-8, Luke tells of his purpose in writing the book of Acts, and then gives us an account of Jesus’ conversation with his disciples after his resurrection: So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know the times…

Christmas Hymns

Here is a sampling of Christmas Hymns on Spotify to help you think about and enjoy the meaning of Christmas- We celebrate that our Savior has come to earth to bring salvation to his people!