And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19
Taken from Acts 2:41-47 ESV, the following values are a summary of how we live out Christ’s mission as an actively serving, disciple-making community.
Connecting with God
Christ lives in every Christian by His Holy Spirit. In personal times of prayer and devotion, and also in corporate weekly gatherings, we seek to love God with all of our heart mind, soul, and strength. As people created in God’s image, we were made to worship Him, and our hearts find their greatest satisfaction in coming before God’s throne in worship.
Welcoming God’s Word
The foundation for our life in Christ is God’s Word as expressed in the Old and New Testaments. We come before God with a posture of humility, and we seek to apply His truth to our daily lives. God’s word is inerrant, infallible, sufficient, and trustworthy.
Investing in Others
Fellowship (koinonia in Greek) refers to the spiritual life which God’s people share. Rather than coming to church as consumers–expecting to have our needs met–we seek to invest in one another’s lives. This means actively loving each other in practical ways, showing hospitality, and sacrificing for one another.
Sharing Christ’s Message
Every Christian is called by God to share the message of forgiveness, reconciliation, and new life in Jesus. God places each one of us in different spheres of relationships and influence so that we can share Christ in a unique way. We look for needs in our community, build relationships, and share Christ as the Holy Spirit brings opportunity.